M&M Fire Protection & Security Corp Logo - Michiana Security & Fire Protection

Serving Michiana since 1993


Frequently Asked Questions

My alarm is beeping or displaying an alert that I don't understand.

Call us at 574-533-8111

What should I do if my system isn't working properly?

Call us at 574-533-8111. We will assist you with any service-related issues. If necessary, we will send one of our technicians to you.

What is the difference between replacing and upgrading a fire alarm system?

When it comes to your fire alarm system, it’s important to understand the difference between “upgrading” and “replacing.” This can save you time and money. Here’s a simple breakdown:

Replacement: This often means swapping out your old fire alarm devices for new ones without changing how the system works. If your current system meets local accessibility and safety codes, this might be the easiest and most cost-effective option.

Upgrade: This involves bringing your system up to the standards required for new buildings. This could mean more extensive changes to your fire alarm system, especially if there have been changes in your building’s structure, how it’s used, or if local laws have changed.

Choosing the right option depends on your building’s current fire alarm system and local code requirements. If in doubt, consulting a professional can help you make the best decision.

Does M&M Fire Protection & Security install/service "all in one" camera systems?

Yes! Our technicians are some of the best in the industry and specialize in popular home security systems like Arlo, Ring, and Google Nest. These systems can be more complicated to install and set up than the ads might suggest. If you need help, we’re here for you!

Will my system work when the power goes off?

Your system has its own battery backup. This battery is capable of sustaining normal operation for several hours. The batteries will recharge automatically (in 24-48 hours) once power is restored, and its status is constantly monitored.

Am I required to maintain system documentation at the fire alarm location?

The owner or a designated representative needs to be able to provide system documentation when requested by service personnel. Documentation should include: 

  1. Fire Alarm System Record of Completion
  2. Point to point wiring diagrams
  3. Individual device interconnection drawings
  4. As-Built drawings
  5. Copy of original equipment submittals
  6. Operation manuals
  7. Manufacuturer’s proper testing maintenance requirements
Must all fire alarm systems have a fire alarm control panel or remote annunciator at the main entrance?

Yes, all protected premises must have the fire alarm control unit or remote annunciator located in the building’s lobby near the main entrance. If there is no main entrance or lobby, it should be in a common area where it can be easily seen or heard by building occupants.

For assistance, call M&M Fire Protection & Security at 574-533-8111. We are happy to help with any service-related issues and can send one of our technicians if needed.